Партнер Института иностранных языков The University of Bedfordshire (Великобритания, Лондон) приглашает на обучение в Великобританию  | Институт иностранных языков
199178, Санкт-Петербург, 12-я линия В.О., д. 13. Cт. м. «Вacилеостровская» карта проезда
(812) 320-97-73, (931) 957-01-01, ifl@ifl.ru
Какой язык вы хотите изучить?
Английский Немецкий Французский Испанский Итальянский Финский

Партнер Института иностранных языков The University of Bedfordshire (Великобритания, Лондон) приглашает на обучение в Великобританию

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Dear Colleague

We have prepared this marketing profile about the University of Bedfordshire for all agents to place on their website. Please copy and paste the text below including the links on to your websites to help promote the University to potential students.

The University of Bedfordshire, an internationally recognised award winning institution, was presented with the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Further and Higher Education in 2013 and the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade 2011, very rare for any UK university in the sector to have been awarded the Queen’s awards twice in 3 years.

Bedfordshire is a large, modern university with six campuses north of London, which is home to approximately 23,000 students. Each year over 4000 international and EU students choose Bedfordshire as their study destination, and 92% of graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduation. The University offers generous financial support to International students. Our multi-million pound investment provides students with state of the art modern facilities and our main Luton campus is just 30 minutes from Central London by train. Bedfordshire is an award winning institution, which is home to world leading research

The University offers a full range of Foundation, Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research courses across our four faculties Business School – including the School of Law,Computing, Arts, Technology and ScienceHealth and Social Sciences andEducation and Sport.  The University offers a unique Go Global mobility scheme which offers the opportunity to our students to experience other cultures and education systems which adds to their global education. 

We know how important it is for all our colleagues to be up to date on the latest publications and information from the University so we have included a complete listing of all our prospectuses and latest application form in the email below. 

kind regards

Professor Ashraf Jawaid OBE






Application form

We have redesigned our application form in order to comply with our new agreement with the Home Office. In order to comply with UKVI requirements only this new application form should be used.

Download Application Form - NEW!







§  Undergraduate Prospectus - NEW!View orDownload 

§  Postgraduate ProspectusNEW!View orDownload 

§  International Prospectus NEW! View orDownload 

§  University Campus Milton Keynes Prospectus -NEW! - View or Download 






Student Support and Welfare

§  A Guide to Obtaining a Tier4 Visa

§  A Guide to Credibility Interviews 

§  International Student Guide - NEW!

§  International Social Programme  - NEW!






Location and Facilities

Bedfordshire is perfectly placed - watch our new location video and Virtual Map - NEW!

Watch the Virtual Tour of new Library Building due to open September 2015 - NEW!

Learning Resource Centre Guide - NEW!View orDownload








University of Bedfordshire Business School


Subject Guides - New for 2015!

DownloadMarketing Tourism and Hospitality 

Business Schoool Courses get top marks  -latest results from National Student Survey

Meet our Professors of Management Practice

World-class research







Creative Arts Technology and Science 


Subject Guides - New for 2015:  

 - Art and Design   Computing  
                   Life Sciences   English   Media

CATS courses rated among the best in UK  -  latest news 2014 NSS Survey

World Leading Research







Health and Social Sciences 


Subject Guides -  New for 2015

Download - Psychology   Social Sciences 

HSS scores highest ever marks in NSS - latest news in NSS 2014 survey

Institute for Health Research

Institute of Applied Social Research - 
Winner Queens Anniversary Prize 2014







Education and Sport


Subject Guides  - New for 2015

DownloadSports Subject Guide

Student satisfaction at new high -  
latest news in NSS survey


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© 2024 ЧОУ ВО ИНСТИТУТ ИНОСТРАННЫХ ЯЗЫКОВ: высшее образование, дополнительное профессиональное образование,
курсы иностранных языков, курсы испанского языка, курсы итальянского языка, курсы переводчиков.
Институт иностранных языков - высшее образование, дополнительное профессиональное образование,
курсы иностранных языков, курсы английского языка, курсы испанского языка, курсы итальянского языка, курсы переводчиков.
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